School Community

Parents & Friends Association

The Parents & Friends Association (P&F) is an integral support of Sacred Heart Primary School that aims to strengthen the partnership between family, School, parish and the wider community.

Parents join the P&F, which runs by Committee, in a voluntary capacity to support the School by:

  • fundraising to provide resources that enhance student experience
  • hosting social events to foster connection and belonging within the Sacred Heart community
  • supporting curriculum delivery
  • promoting the School.

We understand some parents have more flexibility than others. We value and appreciate any parental involvement. The wonderful parents that make up the Sacred Heart Primary School community are a huge part of what makes Sacred Heart such a great School.


All parents and guardians of children enrolled at Sacred Heart School are eligible to be committee members and are warmly invited to join the Sacred Heart Parents & Friends Association.

Express your interest to

P&F Committee Meetings

Meetings are held on the first Monday of each month at 7.30pm, all community members are welcome to attend.

2024 P&F Association Executive Committee

President – Megan Ioannidis

Vice-President – Laura Van Rooyen

Secretary – Sarah Ross

Treasurer – Sasha Topolcsanyi

‘Leave Your Mark’ Playground Plaques

New Playground 

We invite families to ‘Leave Your Mark’ on our exciting New Playground!

With our new School Playground just around the corner, we invite families to leave their mark and be part of this landmark project!

Leave  your family’s legacy with a personalised plaque to feature in the New Playground landscaping.

Order via CDF here:


This free and growing resource is our way of sharing positive and inspiring messages with our community.

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