Curriculum Opportunities


We pride ourselves on a wide range of curriculum opportunities for our students

It’s not only the curriculum we offer that sets us apart, it’s the manner in which it’s delivered

Any school can teach a curriculum. Amazing schools like ours are full of teachers actively and passionately exploring the possibilities of making their teaching practice more innovative, engaging and fun at every turn. This is the single ingredient that drives the most growth in our students.

The success we attain is not only evidenced by the assessment data – but it’s seen through the smiles and joy we see on our students’ faces as a concept is grasped. This is the indefinable element that drives us as teachers to produce and grow our own teaching skills year in, year out.

Physical Education

Sacred Heart Primary School offers an extensive Physical Education program from the Foundation year to Level 6 taught by a specialised Physical education teacher.

Visual Arts

The Visual Art program is developed according to requirements outlined in the Victorian Curriculum. Arts learning explores the two main areas of Creating & Making and Exploring & Responding to art.

Performing Arts

Performing Arts program at Sacred Heart Primary School promises to be full of exciting things for our students’ listening and responding to music both past and present and from different corners of the world.


STEM is a multidisciplinary approach that encourages students to problem solve, create, analyse, communicate and innovate in both team and individual settings.

Languages (Indonesian)

Sacred Heart Primary School offers Indonesian language from Foundation through to Level 6 and has a strong commitment to promoting a love for language learning.


As well as Music being taught through our Performing Arts curriculum we also have an external company, Jam Hot Music, that provide individual and small group sessions for students at a small cost to the parents.


This free and growing resource is our way of sharing positive and inspiring messages with our community.

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